Why is Imran's wife on the burke?

A controversy over Pakistani social media has emerged from the photograph of Bushra's wife in Pakistan's new Prime Minister Imran Khan's Burke.
While taking oath as the prime minister of Imran Khan, his wife Bushra was also present.
Bushra was wearing a burqa in it. He used to wear a burka in which his eyes were only visible and the entire face was covered.
Imran KhanImage copyrights@ PTIOFFICIAL / TWITTER
After photographing, some people are questioning about the First Lady's dress.
People say that this results in the wrong image of women of Pakistan.
However, some people say that the choice of clothing is Bushra's personal decision. What are people talking about on this issue on social media?
Twitter user Seema Goswami tweeted, "Imran Khan's third number wife It seems as if we have gone back in ancient times. "
Saffina Elahi has written, "First Lady Bushra and all the women present there have killed all 'Liberals' at this time. This is a new Pakistan and the freedom of women to choose clothes ... "
Ayesha Azaz Khan has tweeted, "I am waiting for the day when Imran Khan will go to a western country with his wife covered in Burke. I bet that this is not going to happen. "
Piyush Singh, while posting a picture, wrote, "Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan with his wife Bushra Bibi Khan."
Wasim Abbas writes, "When you are the first lady of the country, whatever you do, every voter means. Whether it is a picture or not ... "
Ashok Kumar tweeted, "Is this the face of new Pakistan? What message does this give to the women of Pakistan? Always repressed If the PM wants to show the path to progressive Pakistan, then they have to start from home first. "
However, some people also said that women's clothing is getting policed ​​in this way. What should we wear Bushra, it should be their wish.
Zeny writes, "Being prepared according to the Islamic Ribble of Pakistan or Islam Curtain is important and important for all women."
Syed Fatima Zaidi says, "Pakistan's beautiful First Lady ..."
Ganga says, "Imran Khan is the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He is responsible for his actions, policies and announcements. But Bushra is not a elected representative. She is like any other woman, she can wear whatever she wants, whether it is burka or nail polish. "
Qasim Khalil has tweeted, "I am proud to wear our hijab of First Lady and Prime Minister Imran Khan has no problem in it. We pray that we can do this in our homes too. "
Imran Khan has become the new Prime Minister of Pakistan He took oath as Pakistan's 22nd Prime Minister on Saturday.
