The first chicken came or egg, in quantum physics responded right answer

इमेज कॉपीरइटGETTY IMAGES

The first egg came hen this was went debate between the Greek thinkers in ancient times and there was no vote.
For centuries, this question remains churns the mind of scientists and philosophers. You know what came first?
You say the egg, then the question will be asked if the egg gave.
And if you say that chicken. So the question will be asked again why where was. She chickens out only some eggs.
You say yes, then this means that the egg came before the chicken. But again the question that chicken went out of eggs, but the eggs they came where he came from .
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You head Khujlaange will be upset, but you will not answer this question.
But now comes first, according to the claim to prove it has Aniiel Institute scientists at Queensland University in Australia and France that quantum physics both eggs and chicken as well.
Queensland University ARC Center of Akslns for Quantum Engineering Systems physicist Jakhi Romero said, 'Quantum mechanics means may be is that it no fixed regular order.' '
He says, "If you take the example of the arrival of their day-to, where do you travel with just a few blocks from the train away, usually just take the first and then the train or vice versa."
He says that our research can be both things first, which is considered to be the order of the causes of uncertainty, it we do not see in their daily lives. "

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In the laboratory to see the effect, the researchers used a configuration called Fotonik quantum switch (configuration).
If Romero said, "quantum depends on the order in which two events in our research with the switch is called control."
"The computer bits of example take the value (value) 0 or 1. In our research, if the control value is 0 then 'B' is 'A' before. And if control value is an" A " first "B". "
"What we have Suprpojisn (one can be bits in the process of adjusting to the other thing), which means that their value is that quantum physics is 0 and 1 at the same time. Therefore, we are in a certain sense can say is undefined values ​​of the bits. "
"And sets the order that due to the uncertain value of control, we can say that 'A' and 'B' is undefined order between events."
Usually it says that "B" is "A" before or 'B' before 'e', ​​may be only one of them is true.
But the reality in quantum physics is different. "If these two expressions can really know us as we undefined variable order (order) that they get."

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Looks conversion research or light particles or change the size of photons (eg donuts or flower shape).
Romero told the BBC, "It changes depending on the properties of light polarization (optical Polraijheshn)."
Are converted into 'A' and 'B' photon in this research and in which order are these changes is controlled optical polarization.
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There are several possibilities to resize but the conversion and also a range of correlation of polarization options. During the research, we broke the border and then we have an indeterminate order among concluded that 'A' and 'B'.

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This research is proof of a theory, there could be a real use on a large scale, such as to improve to make computers able to more or communication.
Romero said, "There are advantages to this precarious order to calculate a type that has been a study in Vienna, which displays it."
"It really must typically two particles in a calculated, but it can be only a single particle with quantum switch."
That he is, he is Julio Kiribela Another advantage excites me very principle which he showed that communication in multiple interface channels with the help of quantum switch is possible.
For example noise coming into the telephone line that listeners are completely confused. Romero and his colleagues used the paradox of eggs and poultry to explain his research.

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Do I think the four-year-old son when he sleeps when the sun rises. So in a way in a certain sense because you can say it and add his influence things so the world should matter to us.
Egg and chicken is really a metaphor to be given. Who is asked a number of times before and we know what happens before doing this trial with this research. Of course there are two events before.
It went Research Society of American Physics magazine Physical Review Journal published in the American Physical Society.
