Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries Revealed By DNA!

 Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries Revealed By DNA !

1. Parents of Two Species -

There have been a number of different human species, most of whom were thought to keep to themselves and only breed within the same group. But recent evidence has shown that things weren’t quite that contained, and that inter-breeding was quite common.


2. Food Contents -

When we buy food at a store, we check the labeling to see what's in it and take that as the truth. The thing is, due to the way that meat is processed, there's a good chance that what you think you're eating may not be the full story. In 2017, some pretty startling results were released by the Food Standards Agency in the UK, which will make you re-think the way you approach your food in the future.

3. Panda Ancestor -

In 2014, a team of paleontologists were searching a cave in China in search of remains of an ancient ape species. They returned that day with a collection of bones, none of which were from the ape, but what they did find was the lower jaw of an ancient panda that lived around 22,000 years ago.

4. Debunking Alien Theories -

In 2003, in an old mining town in the Atacama desert, a small skeleton was found, wrapped in white cloth and tied with a violet ribbon. It was extremely unusual- it was about 6 inches tall, with the features of a 7-year-old child, but only had 10 pairs of ribs- as opposed to the 12 found on humans. Furthermore, the skull was elongated into a cone shape.

5. The Tigrina -

The improvement in genetic profiling techniques, as well as the way that more animals are being tested than ever, means that scientists are quite often discovering new species, and learning far more about the ones we thought had already been identified.

6. Triple Hybrid Bird -

In May of 2018, a Pennsylvania local spotted an unusual looking bird in his backyard. He took photos and videos of it, and then realized something strange- it looked like both a Golden-winged Warbler, and a Blue-winged Warbler, and was singing like a Chestnut-sided Warbler.

7. Identifying Smugglers -

The ivory trade is one of the biggest contributors to the decline in numbers of elephants around the world, and the high prices people are willing to pay for it means that, despite it being illegal, it's estimated that as many as 40,000 African elephants are killed each year solely for their tusks. With a population of only 400,000, the need for action is greater than ever.

8. The Recipe for Milk -


Milk is something we all take for granted- after all, it’s available in virtually every food or drink store in the world. Despite its prevalence, though, milk is actually a very complex liquid, and it was only recently that genetic sequencing was able to explain how it’s made.


9. Mummy Identity -


In 1940, an ancient skeleton, known as the “Spirit Cave Mummy” was found in a cave in the Great Basin Desert in Nevada. Those who unearthed it knew that this find was an important discovery, but it would be decades until scientific techniques were developed to find out more about it.

10. Finding Someone -


Nowadays we think of DNA testing as an integral part of identifying, but the ability has only been around for just over 30 years. In the 80's the idea of genetic fingerprints was unheard of- that was until a case was solved by using this innovative technique- and it changed investigations forever!!

